B&W PM1 북쉘프 스피커 (1달사용) > 오디오수입

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판매중 B&W PM1 북쉘프 스피커 (1달사용)

페이지 정보

작성자 no_profile jchoi6 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 문자보내기  (210.♡.41.251) 댓글 0건 조회 1,959회 작성일 13-07-14 17:05


판매가격 :
(휴대폰 본인인증 하지않음)

회원가입일 : 2013-07-14 (4113 일)
최종접속일 : 2013-07-14 16:56:58

love hifi
B&W PM1 판매합니다.
상태는 신품과 동일합니다. 구매후 1달 사용한 상태입니다. 스탠드 포함 가격입니다.

1. 희망 판매(구입)가 : 375만원 (450만원에 구매)
2. 거래방법 : 직거래
3. 매물 위치 : 서울 강남구 청담동

010-5302-3738로 연락주세요

B&W PM1은 진정한 콤팩트 북셀프 스피커가 어떤 것인지 명확히 들려주는 제품이다. 제품의 외관 이미지와 제품 스펙만보아선 제품의 사이즈가 짐작이 가지 않는데, 겨우 30cm를 조금 넘긴 높이다. 동사의 기존 북셀프 제품과는 비교되지 않는 콤팩트한 제품이라서,성능과 스펙적인 부분에서는 의심을 가질수밖에 없는데, 이 작은 제품의 한계는 어디일지는 실제 사운드를 들어보지 않고는 상상이 되지 않는다.
이 제품은 B&W의 창립 45주년 기념 모델로 선보인 제품인데, 기존 기념 모델들의 성격이 플래그십 제품으로 접근되었던점과 비교해 본다면 보급형 제품에도 기회를 준 듯하다. 무엇보다 PM1에는 동사의 오랜 소형 북셀프 스피커의 노하우가 곳곳에 반영되어 있는데, 1990년대 중반 CDM1을 시작으로 2010년 805 다이아몬드까지 과거에서 현재까지의 모습을 함축적으로 담아낸, 다이아몬드 시리즈의 뒤를 이은 현대적인 디자인으로, 세련미가 한층 돋보인다.
트위터는 기존 제품과 마찬가지로 상단에 튜브 로딩 타입을 적용하고, 매트릭스 구조의 캐비닛과 딤플 구조의 포트 등은 지난 세월 동안 가장 인기 있었던 북셀프 스피커의 장점들로서, 이를 고스란히 반영하였다. 새로운 카본 브레이스 트위터를 채용했으며, 이는 다이아몬드 시리즈 개발을 통해 습득한 노하우가 반영된 것으로 보인다. 알루미늄 돔 주위를 초박 탄소 섬유 링으로 보강하여 고역 공진 주파수를 40khz까지 끌어올렸다. 이는 기존 알루미늄 돔의 한계였던 30khz를 뛰어 넘은 것이며, 낮은 가격대에서 다이아몬드 트위터에서의 고역 특성에 접근할수 있게 되었다.

13cm 사이즈의 미드* 우퍼는 전통적인 케블라 콘재를 사용했고, 새로운 안티 레조넌스 플러그는 콘의 공진을 줄여 과장없는 중.고역 재생에 도움을 주고 있다. PM1의 캐비닛도 전통적인 매트릭스 보강 구조를 반영하여 견고하게 제작되었는데, 외관 마감은 우레탄 코팅 처리되었고, 새롭게 성형된 배플과 상부 패널이 음상 정위까지 개선함으로써 콤팩트하지만 만족스러운 스케일을 선사한다. 단지 음압은 84db이기 때문에 앰프 매칭은 신중할 필요가 있는데, 낮은 음압은 어쩌면 동사 제품 중 예외적인 제품이 아닐까 생각된다.
사운드적인 측면은 과거와 현재의 이미지를 모두 담아내는 노력이 엿보이는데, 대역 밸런스가 잘 잡혀 있으며, 크기를 의심하게 만드는 깊이있는 저역이 인상적인이며, 해상력도 무시할수 없다. 작지만 오디오적 음악성에 중점을 두어 화려하기보다는 차분하고, 중 저역의 말도가 더욱 강조되어 있다.
B&W는 PM1을 통해 많은 메시지를 전달해 주고 있다. 과거부터 현재까지 흐트러짐 없는 그들의 집약된 스피커 기술력을 PM1을 통해 다시 한번 보여 주고 있으며, 한 단계 진보된 북셀프 스피커로서 디자인, 성능, 사운드 3가지 요소에서 가장 B&W적인 모습을 담아낸 스피커라고 할수 있다. 동사가 수십년간 쌓아 올린 소형 북셀프 스피커 시장에서의 입지를 다시 한 번 확인할 만한 제품으로, PC파이 시장이 확대대면서 더욱 소형 스피커에 대한 기대치가 높은 시점에서 적절한 콥셉트의 스피커로 주목할 만하다.


Best standmounter Awards 2011. Arguably the most engaging and entertaining speakers B&W has made in years
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Fast, cohesive and surprisingly full sound
exceptional stereo image
superb integration and timing
top class build and finish
Their size brings certain constraints

Some folk might find the idea of spending ?2000 on a speaker barely bigger than a decently sized shoebox a bit odd. Not us…There’s no getting away from the fact that any speaker that stands just 33cm high and sports a single 13cm mid/bass driver is never going to match the bass depth, authority and outright volume of the big boys at this price level.But it seems nobody reminded B&W’s engineers of that. While the PM1s don’t quite manage to slip through a  physics loophole, B&W’s boffins have managed to eke out a surprisingly bombastic sound from tiny 6.5-litre boxes. In small- to medium-sized rooms, these standmounters deliver impressive bass power and weight for their size. That little Kevlar mid/bass driver, along with the company’s now-traditional dimpled reflex port, produces low frequencies with plenty of gusto. Sure, bigger rivals go even deeper, but the B&Ws never sound undernourished or bass-light. That’s a massive achievement in something so small.Big volume from small cabinetsThey’ll go loud enough for most people, too. Play In the Hall of the Mountain King from the Social Network OST and these standmounters throw out a huge sound, with waves of strong dynamics and plenty of bass. Push them really hard and things get a little confused, but by that time the speakers are playing way louder than we’d consider comfortable.Move past the areas where all small speakers struggle and the PM1s set sky-high standards. They sound immensely fast, delivering transients with the kind of cohesion you usually only get with single-driver designs.B&W has put a great deal of work into the PM1s’ crossover network, and it shows in the speakers’ seamless integration. The electronics are simple, with just three components in the circuit. Such a design is always hard to get right, despite the use of top quality parts ? the PM1 uses a similar grade to those found on the company’s range-topping 800 series speakers ? but B&W has nailed it here.The two-driver arrangement looks a lot like standard B&W fare, but there’s been a lot of refinement going on. The 25mm aluminium dome tweeter, for example, is reinforced with a carbon ring to improve its frequency range and distortion performance (see What makes it special?, p76). The dome sits in the usual decoupled tweeter pod, and a rear-mounted tapered tube absorbs any stray sound waves.The 13cm woven Kevlar cone now features an anti-resonance plug at its centre. This plug is made from polymer foam and, as the name implies, cleans up the cone’s response with the aim of producing a more transparent sound.Brace, brace, braceOf course, neither driver can work well if the cabinet isn’t doing a good job.The PM1’s cabinet is surprisingly heavily braced (see How does it work?, left) for one so small, giving a rigid foundation for the mid/bass driver to work from. The curved front moulding looks like a one-piece affair, but is in fact made in two parts and finished to look seamless. It’s shaped to have minimal influence on the sound, and it doesn’t hurt if the final result looks as stylish and distinctive as this.All this careful engineering produces a wonderfully clean sound, one that picks up subtle detail and manages to keep it audible no matter how complex a piece of music gets. The PM1’s insight into recordings is absolutely top class, with the speakers leaving no stone unturned when it comes to digging up low-level information.These B&Ws, like many small speakers, can also deliver impressive stereo imaging. Listen to Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture and the PM1s excel with instrument placement and focus, and a beautifully layered and impressively expansive sound stage. Perhaps most impressive of all is their ability to disappear within the presentation. Close your eyes and it’s nigh-on impossible to locate the boxes without looking.Transparent presentationThat’s not where the good news ends. These standmounters time very well, and can convey rhythms excellently. Play the likes of Kanye West’s Monster and the PM1s charge along at full throttle when the music demands. They communicate the sense of drive, aggression and excitement in this kind of music terrifically well and, provided the rest of your system is good enough, these speakers can’t help but shine.As far as kit-matching is concerned, the B&W PM1s will sound perfectly good with the likes of Roksan’s Award-winning ?1595 Caspian M2 integrated amplifier (Awards 2010, ★★★★★). But, such is their transparency that their sound continues to improve significantly as the partnering electronics increase beyond that level. You’ll need the dedicated stands, though. These ?400 supports were used during the PM1s’ development, and it shows: no other stands we tried (and we have a more than a few on site) gave the same sense of control and balance. The aesthetics match too, which is nice.Put it altogether and you have a hugely capable pair of small stand-mounters that work well with all types of music and engage the listener better then just about any B&W speaker we’ve heard in years. Sometimes great things really do come in small packages.
Some folk might find the idea of spending ?2000 on a speaker barely bigger than a decently sized shoebox a bit odd.

Not us…There’s no getting away from the fact that any speaker that stands just 33cm high and sports a single 13cm mid/bass driver is never going to match the bass depth, authority and outright volume of the big boys at this price level.

But it seems nobody reminded B&W’s engineers of that.

While the PM1s don’t quite manage to slip through a  physics loophole, B&W’s boffins have managed to eke out a surprisingly bombastic sound from tiny 6.5-litre boxes.

In small- to medium-sized rooms, these standmounters deliver impressive bass power and weight for their size.

That little Kevlar mid/bass driver, along with the company’s now-traditional dimpled reflex port, produces low frequencies with plenty of gusto.

Sure, bigger rivals go even deeper, but the B&Ws never sound undernourished or bass-light. That’s a massive achievement in something so small.

Big volume from small cabinets
They’ll go loud enough for most people, too. Play In the Hall of the Mountain King from the Social Network OST and these standmounters throw out a huge sound, with waves of strong dynamics and plenty of bass.

Push them really hard and things get a little confused, but by that time the speakers are playing way louder than we’d consider comfortable.

Move past the areas where all small speakers struggle and the PM1s set sky-high standards. They sound immensely fast, delivering transients with the kind of cohesion you usually only get with single-driver designs.

Clever crossover network
B&W has put a great deal of work into the PM1s’ crossover network, and it shows in the speakers’ seamless integration. The electronics are simple, with just three components in the circuit.

Such a design is always hard to get right, despite the use of top quality parts ? the PM1 uses a similar grade to those found on the company’s range-topping 800 series speakers ? but B&W has nailed it here.

The two-driver arrangement looks a lot like standard B&W fare, but there’s been a lot of refinement going on. The 25mm aluminium dome tweeter, for example, is reinforced with a carbon ring to improve its frequency range and distortion performance.

The dome sits in the usual decoupled tweeter pod, and a rear-mounted tapered tube absorbs any stray sound waves (see below).


The 13cm woven Kevlar cone now features an anti-resonance plug at its centre.

This plug is made from polymer foam and, as the name implies, cleans up the cone’s response with the aim of producing a more transparent sound.

Brace, brace, brace
Of course, neither driver can work well if the cabinet isn’t doing a good job.

The PM1’s cabinet is surprisingly heavily braced for one so small, giving a rigid foundation for the mid/bass driver to work from.

The curved front moulding looks like a one-piece affair, but is in fact made in two parts and finished to look seamless.

It’s shaped to have minimal influence on the sound, and it doesn’t hurt if the final result looks as stylish and distinctive as this.

All this careful engineering produces a wonderfully clean sound, one that picks up subtle detail and manages to keep it audible no matter how complex a piece of music gets.

The PM1’s insight into recordings is absolutely top class, with the speakers leaving no stone unturned when it comes to digging up low-level information.

These B&Ws, like many small speakers, can also deliver impressive stereo imaging. Listen to Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture and the PM1s excel with instrument placement and focus, and a beautifully layered and impressively expansive sound stage.

Perhaps most impressive of all is their ability to disappear within the presentation. Close your eyes and it’s nigh-on impossible to locate the boxes without looking.


Transparent presentation
That’s not where the good news ends. These standmounters time very well, and can convey rhythms excellently. Play the likes of Kanye West’s Monster and the PM1s charge along at full throttle when the music demands.

They communicate the sense of drive, aggression and excitement in this kind of music terrifically well and, provided the rest of your system is good enough, these speakers can’t help but shine.

As far as kit-matching is concerned, the B&W PM1s will sound perfectly good with the likes of Roksan’s Award-winning ?1595 Caspian M2 integrated amplifier.

But, such is their transparency that their sound continues to improve significantly as the partnering electronics increase beyond that level.

You’ll need the dedicated stands, though. These ?400 supports were used during the PM1s’ development, and it shows: no other stands we tried (and we have a more than a few on site) gave the same sense of control and balance.

The aesthetics match too, which is nice.

Put it altogether and you have a hugely capable pair of small stand-mounters that work well with all types of music and engage the listener better then just about any B&W speaker we’ve heard in years.


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